Saturday, September 18, 2010

Transfer Day

So, today was it....our transfer day! We had a different doctor perform our transfer Dr Sanfillipo-he was amazing! I was so pleased with his bedside manor. When Dr Sanfillipo came in we got the final result of our embryos-Of the five, three were mature. All three of the mature ones fertilized. Today we had two embryos come in at 6A (6 cells, quality A) and one at a 4B (4 cells, quality B). He said the 6A's were perfect (the B was still pretty good)! You can't get anything better than an A. The picture I have showing is what a 6 cell embryo looks like (this one is not mine). We had only planned on implanting 2/3 of the embryos-however, the 4 cell was not able to be frozen. The embryos need to be at least 5 cells. So, instead of discarding the embryo we decided to implant that one as well.
Once we made the decision to put all three in we went back to the OR and got prepped. It truly was one of the most amazing things I have every seen. They inserted a catheter then all of a sudden on the ultrasound you see three little white specs-my embryos. It truly was amazing-I was almost crying on the table.
I have been on bedrest allllll day-luckily Doug bought me lots of Grays Anatomy to watch and some chick flicks and my aunt brought over some amazing food for us....yum!!
Yesterday, Doug and I went to the Christian bookstore. I was casually going through the books when one caught my attention called How God Makes Babies. The first page I opened said this. "From the very moment the sperm and egg join together, so many details about the baby are already decided. If the baby is a boy or girl, what color her eyes will be, what color hair she will have, whether she will be tall or short, if he will have big feet, if she has freckles...and more." "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose. Jeremiah 1:5" Isn't that amazing! These embryos are only a few cells-but they have a sex, DNA....amazing!!

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